Weight-loss can be a struggle for many, but homeopathic treatment can provide unique and effective treatments that aid in alleviating obesity and losing weight.

We take each individual into account when creating treatment plans and may include a variety of techniques to achieve your desired goal, such as the DNA diet, supplementation, weekly weigh-ins, biopuncture and exercise guidelines.

What is the DNA Diet?

This is a genetic test which offers crucial insight into key areas that influence weight, guiding diet and exercise recommendations for better results. We use the DNA Diet to assess the following:

  • Obesity risk
  • Saturated fats
  • Carbohydrates
  • Exercise requirements
  • Eating behaviours
  • Sweet tooth

Factoring in genetics and personalised medicine

A gene is best described as segments of DNA that carry instructions your body requires in order to produce proteins. Each gene is made up of thousands of variations which make up your genetic code. These codes assist in the making of the proteins required for proper development and function.

Small differences that occur across our DNA, also known as genetic variations, can affect the outcome of the gene. This in turn, affects an individual’s metabolic processes.

These metabolic processes play an important role in the maintenance of cellular health and our response to environmental interventions such as:

  • Diet
  • Lifestyle
  • Supplements
  • Medication

Having insight into these genetic variations will allow us to recommend precise interventions aimed at helping you reach your goals and to achieve optimal health.

Being overweight or obesity strongly correlates with risk of development of chronic diseases, ranging from type 2 diabetes to certain types of cancers. However, obesity is complex and weight management requires a holistic approach.

Taking this into account, we consider a few factors for your treatment:

  • Unique genetic code
  • Age
  • Sex
  • Pathophysiological Status

What treatments are available for weight-loss?

At Homeopath on Main, we are committed to personalised treatment plans that are in line with each individual’s needs and goals. Your weight-loss journey will be unique and tailored to your body, and we promise to continuously communicate with you throughout.

Treatments you can expect in your plan are:

  • Supplementation
    • We do a full nutrient analysis to understand what you may be missing and if there are any nutrients hindering your weight-loss. Adding supplements to your diet can greatly influence how well you absorb nutrients and give you the vitamins and minerals necessary to aid in your weight-loss progress.
  • Diet & Exercise Guidelines
    • There is no special pill or cure for losing weight quickly, but with a tailored diet and treatment plan, we believe we can help you thrive. After a consultation and understand your goals, we will create a personalised diet and exercise programme that will be targeted towards losing weight.
  • Weekly Weigh-Ins
    • There’s no need to be afraid of the scale; we use weekly weigh-ins to monitor your progress, ensure consistency and make any adjustments if necessary. During these weigh-ins, we will assess your weight and measurements, as well as celebrate your victories.
  • Biopuncture
    • Biopuncture is a service we offer that involves the use of plants or minerals. These are injected under the skin or into the muscles to promote healing, fat reduction and relieve a host of other symptoms. When used in conjunction with other treatments, biopuncture allows the body to take back control and heal itself. Find out more about this service here.
  • Supplementation
    • We do a full nutrient analysis to understand what you may be missing and if there are any nutrients hindering your weight-loss. Adding supplements to your diet can greatly influence how well you absorb nutrients and give you the vitamins and minerals necessary to aid in your weight-loss progress.

Contact Dr Esmailjee today to schedule an appointment