What Is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a natural form of medicine used by people worldwide to treat both acute and chronic conditions.
Homeopathy’s basis is the fact that any substance which is able to invoke a particular set of symptoms in a patient will be able to cure those symptoms in an unhealthy person. For example, when cutting an onion one experiences teary eyes and a runny nose. So according to this principle, when an onion is prepared homeopathically, it could stimulate cure in a person suffering from hayfever or a nasty cold.
How does Homeopathy work?
Homeopathic medicine is based on a second law, called the law of potentisation. This law explains that substances which are serially diluted and then energised in a process of vigorous shaking (called succussion) are imparted with potent medicinal properties.
In Homeopathy, there is usually an ultra-dilution beyond avogadro’s number (10^24)
Homeopathic remedies are now beginning to be understood as a form of nanomedicine. Nanomedicine is the incorporation of nanoparticles which are used to rectify diseased cells without influencing healthy cells in the body. Since the ultra-high dilutions found in homeopathic medicine are able to elicit biological and physiological changes within the cells, they can be classified as nanomedicine.
The medicine which your homeopath prescribes is made up of remedies which have undergone potentisation and are ultra-diluted. These remedies contain nanoparticles which stimulate the cells in your body to be restored to health.